Ethics is about making the best possible decisions taking into account people, resources and the environment.

Ethical choices diminish risk, advance positive results, increase trust, determine long-term success and build reputations.

Our consultants strictly adhere to these rules:

  • Any possible conflicts of interest are to be communicated before the start of an assignment, or at the earliest moment when any such conflict presents itself. If possible, the assignment will be reformulated to comply with this Code of Conduct
  • All our activities are in the service of our clients.
  • We are an independent consulting firm and do not have agreements with suppliers and/or other consulting firms.
  • We strongly believe that promises are made to be kept.
  • All knowledge we accumulate during an assignment will be shared with the client.
  • We strive for maximum diversity in teams, because we are convinced that diversity leads to better results.
  • Our consultants are not allowed to be involved (directly or indirectly) with any form of fraud, side payments and corruption. Any dubious offer made to NXT Day and its consultants will be reported to the relevant authorities.

We will nog engage in any activities that do not comply with this Code of Conduct.